Selma Yiğitalp Anatolian High School

Selma Yiğitalp Anatolian High School is located in the county Konak/İZMİR. It's a mixed secondary school with approximately 1000 students aged between 14-18. We have 60 teachers, 2 vice principals and one principal. 

Until 2018 our school accepted students with a central exam. With the change in our education system, students started to be accepted with an address-based registration system after the year 2018. This caused a big change in our school. The number of students increased from 600 to 1000 in one year. We were faced with various problems. Number of students in a class have exceeded 40. With our new student groups, we have started to experience various problems both academically and behaviorally. As teachers we also started to have classroom management problems. A commission was established in our school to find the causes for these problems and offer solutions.

Our guidance teachers scanned the social backgrounds of students and reported that we have: -5 foreign students (Iraqi,Serbian,Italian..) -12 disabled and special needs students -1 student under state protection (coming from an orphanage) -2 students whose parents are in prison - around 300 students with economical obstacles -14 students who lost one of their parents - a big number of students (more than 200) who have broken or incomplete families, mostly with a single parent. We applied SWOT analysis to stakeholders to see our own deficiencies.

According to results; as an institution, we identified 3 main problems, 1 of which is lack of national and international opportunities. We prepared an action plan for 2019-2020 academic year. According to it: - to participate in trainings to bring 21st century skills to our school - to increase the use of web 2.0 tools - to increase social activities - to apply Erasmus + projects. With this project we want to enssure safe and equal opportunities, mutual understanding and solidarity for students both in school activities and in transnational meetings. 

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