The CSEI Turnu Rosu
The CSEI Turnu Rosu is located in Turnu Rosu, 25 kilometers away from the city of Sibiu. The school has 152 students with special educational needs who have physical or psychological disabilities. There are 28 teachers. There is primary, secondary, and school of arts and crafts/technological college.
The educational complex and the integrated therapy support are for children with special educational needs learning in the public school or at home. Recovery therapies, speech therapy, physical therapy, psychological assessments, advice and counseling activities are used by teachers working with pupils with SEN.
There are also counseling activities for parents although most of our pupils come from a placement centre for orphaned or abandoned children, from disadvantaged families who are unable to raise and guide their children in normal conditions, and from families living in the villages nearby.
The mission of the school is to improve the condition of people with SEN and disabled students. Through the programs developed, we support full and equal participation of persons with SEN in their communities.
The center relies on the cooperation of all its members, encouraging and promoting the development of partnership relations between specialists outside the school, parents, teachers, people with SEN from our country and form Europe.
The main purpose of this project chimes with our mission and vision and it aims at improving the educational activities related to the teacher's training. We are a special school with many needs for our students. We know that through this project we will find the most efficient ways to include and integrate our students and show them the European dimensions of collaboration, they will get acquainted with other cultures and broaden their horizons. This project will give them self-esteem and a hope for a better future opportunities. We also need this project to find partners for an exchange of good practices, so we will find more modern methods of teaching and engaging the 21st century skills.
We believe that if we combine all these, we
will be able to combat school drop-out, but also to combat discrimination, segregation, racism, harassment and violence among pupils.